Surgery Scheduled for THIS Friday

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Bryce woke up just in time for the end of the Badger game this past Saturday! What a bummer that it was such a heartbreaker. Love this sweet boy so much XOXOX
Bryce woke up just in time for the end of the Badger game this past Saturday! What a bummer that it was such a heartbreaker. Love this sweet boy so much XOXOX

We’re asking for lots of prayers, positivity, and strength for Bryce, Kyle, and Jenna this week as they prepare for his surgery, which they’ve scheduled for Friday morning. The multi-part procedure will take place at the UW-Children’s Hospital in Madison, and will include the following:

  • Nissen Fundoplication: The surgeon will create an anti-reflux valve at the bottom of Bryce’s esophagus so he will be able to keep his meals down; because Bryce can no longer swallow, this will also prevent the risk of aspiration.
  • G-Tube Replacement: A surgeon will be replacing Bryce’s current g-tube button with a more modern version (when Jenna and Kyle had the surgery consultation at the UW, the surgeons told them they hadn’t used the kind Bryce currently has in nearly eight years …)
  • Fixing Bryce’s floppy epiglottis: A surgeon will be tightening Bryce’s epiglottis, which should help him breathe a little easier and reduce the amount of energy he’s expending by simply breathing.

Because there are three different surgeons involved (I think), it took quite a bit of coordination to get this scheduled, but we’re all relieved that they were able to get it scheduled for this week. Bryce has been vomiting about once a day, and the sooner they can do this and keep all of his food and medicine in him, the better. If everything goes as planned, Bryce may only have to be in the hospital for one night. He’ll have lots of company when he’s there in Mommy and Daddy, and his Grandmas and Grandpas. 

In preparation for the surgery, Kyle and Jenna took Bryce in last week for a couple of pre-op appointments. They had his oxygen levels checked as his doctor in Dodgeville was a little concerned with his breathing patterns. When he’s relaxed, his O2 as at 98%, which is great; when he gets upset and agitated, however, his O2 drops to about 70% — it’s like he’s holding his breath. Because his levels are fine the majority of the time, they are not at the point of putting him on any additional oxygen support. 

I think that’s it for now … I will be keeping everyone posted on the surgery here on Friday and throughout the weekend, so please be sure to check here for updates. Thank you so much for all the love and support 🙂

2 thoughts on “Surgery Scheduled for THIS Friday

    Ron and Vicki Nelson said:
    April 10, 2014 at 3:49 pm

    Praying for all of you. May God bless you all!

    Cindy Rooney said:
    April 9, 2014 at 9:42 pm

    I will continue to Pray for this adorable and brave little boy along with his brave and loving parents. I so hope to see another picture of Bryce smiling that beautiful smile. I pray for miracles for him. My heart is with you all.
    Cindy Rooney

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